Individualized Hormone Replacement Therapy


three-women-smile menopause

I began to investigate and treat with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in 1992. I have used a large variety of options for relieving the symptoms of menopause, and I continue to learn about new options. I believe that your personal experience of your body is valuable in this process.  I want to know what pathways to healing you have used, both successfully and unsuccessfully. My passion is both to discover and co-create the best approach for you and support your own inner wisdom.

Why Do I Need HRT?

The majority of women do not need HRT during and after menopause. Many women do not experience  challenges during “the change”.  They may experience hot flashes and interruption in their sleep without much difficulty and make the transition. You only need HRT if you are not among this majority, and your symptoms are disrupting your life. No one but you can determine whether you find the symptoms associated with menopause intolerable.

Western medicine is now saying that using HRT  for five years after your periods stop, offers protection against heart disease and osteoporosis without an increase in risk for breast cancer. Again, I believe this needs to be an individualized decision based on your life experiences, your current symptoms and your family history.

I specialize in researching various non-pharmaceutical approaches to dealing with menopausal symptoms. I can help you choose the ones that may be most helpful to you.

What are the symptoms of menopause that might require assistance?

Symptoms of early peri-menopause:

  • Changes in the pattern of your periods
  • Sleep disruption
  • Less interest in sexual intimacy and more difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Anxiety
  • Emotionally very sensitive with unexplainable heightened emotions.

Symptoms of late peri-menopause and menopause:

All of the above plus:AAN3PY

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Inability to stay asleep through the night
  • Pain in joints, especially in our feet
  • Mental confusion or “foggy brain”
  • Fatigue, especially in late afternoon
  • Dry or uncomfortable vulva and or vagina
  • Lack of lubrication with sexual intimacy
  • Unexpected loss of urine (incontinence)
  • Increasing belly fat and inability to loose weight.

It is possible for you to experience any of these symptoms while you are still having your period. They are a sign of hormonal imbalance and deserve attention.

This is a general list and isn’t meant to exclude any symptoms that you are experiencing. Menopause is a normal process, not a medical problem unless the symptoms disturb you and disrupt your life.  Options for treatment