Urinary Tract Infections

We understand that bladder infections are very painful and we try to handle them for you ASAP. Call us and we will set you up with a culture and get you treated.

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment for Bladder and Kidney

The symptoms generally involve:

  • frequent urination of very small amounts
  • burning with urination
  • a pain located just above your pelvic bone which is worse with movement such as a car ride
  • occasionally blood in your urine

Please keep in mind that the symptoms of a bladder infection can be caused by other issues that are not an infection.

Fast Treatment
Comprehensive Care
Pain Relief
Protects Kidney Health

What causes bladder infections?

Bladder infections are caused by a variety of bacteria  that are not all sensitive to each possible antibiotic. For this reason I suggest we either email you a requisition for a lab close to you where you can leave a sample, or you come to the office and give us a clean catch urine sample for culture and sensitivity. As soon as you have left a sample, you can begin on one of the medications that we use for UTIs. Once we get the culture results we will know if we are treating you correctly.

  • You can purchase a dip stick from the pharmacy to check for leucocytes( white blood cells) and Nitrates.  Leucocytes can be present in urine for bladdar infections and for vaginitis. Nitrates are specific to bladdar infections.

How can I tell if I have a kidney infection?

Kidney infections are associated with:

  • pain just above your waist in you back
  • a temperature over 101F
  • feeling tired and achy

Kidney infections  must have a urine culture. which should be done as soon as possible.  You can then begin taking antibiotic as soon as possible. If you suspect a kidney infection, please let us know when you call.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can untreated UTIs affect the kidneys?
How can I prevent recurrent UTIs?
Are there natural remedies to help with UTI prevention or treatment?
Bridging western medicine and natural healing

Take charge of your health with personalized care at Imana Medicine in Santa Fe. Specializing in women's health, we bridge the gap between Western medicine and natural healing. Contact us today to restore balance and thrive!

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